Sample Bill

Berkshire Gas Sample Bill

Below you'll find a sample bill and explanations of the various parts and how to use them to understand your bill.


Page 1

BGC Bill Page 1

A convenient display of how to contact us for billing inquiries or emergency services.
A simplified account summary makes it easier to understand your payments, current charges, and account balance.
Your account messages are on the front page so you get important information right away. Additional messages are on page 2 under your meter details.
See clear and concise information about your natural gas supplier.
See more about your usage information with graphs and average temperature data.
Easily locate your account number, due date, and amount due.
Please remit this portion of your bill when mailing payment.


Page 2

BGC Bill Page 2

Clear breakdown of your delivery and supply service charges, subtotals, and total new charges.
Easy to read meter information.
Additional messages about your account and the products and services we offer.

Page 3

BGC Bill Page 3

Important information about your service.
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