Commercial Incentives

Commercial Incentives

Don’t miss out on these offers and programs.

Converting to natural gas is even more affordable for your business with incentives and even energy evaluations and financing programs that can help defray the cost of new equipment.


Equipment Manufacturer Rebates

Manufacturers of select energy-efficient natural gas heating equipment may offer limited time rebates. Ask a natural gas sales representative if there are any available manufacturer rebates or promotions.

Mass Save® Heating Equipment Rebates

Receive rebates on qualifying natural gas energy-efficient heating equipment through Mass Save®, an initiative sponsored by Berkshire Gas. Details about these rebates - and others rebates - can be found at the Commercial Energy Efficiency page.

Energy Evaluations & Financing Opportunities

Get started with a no-cost facility assessment through Mass Save to find and prioritize ways for you to save energy and costs. Energy experts work with you to identify energy-saving equipment opportunities that make sense for your business.

Larger facilities may need further analysis and design. Berkshire Gas, through its sponsorship of Mass Save, offers incentives for Engineering Studies and for Custom Projects. These Custom Upgrade Projects can save up to 50% of costs with custom incentives on energy efficient lighting systems, HVAC, and more. Visit Mass Save Custom Upgrade Projects for details.

Find out about interest free loans to assist with the installation of qualified energy-efficient improvements in your facility by visiting Mass Save Financing for Business Program.

Your Commercial Account Manager  can help recommend programs that may be right for your business.

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